Halloween 2014

October has begun and everyone is wondering what are they going to do for Halloween? Who are they going be? Where are they going to celebrate and how to get there!

New York City has various venues that they would like to provide you in order to have a crazy and fun time for Halloween.

Joonbug has great tickets for different events throughout the city in which you can buy your ticket.

Understandable that spending time in the city can be fun by traveling with LIRR. However, why do that,

  1. when you can be safe
  2. don’t worry about the traveling part or getting back home.
  3. You don’t want to be that group that goes all the way toward the last stop of the train
  4. if you are that group, you don’t want to be waiting around until the next train gets off.

Take advantage of our offers, and Halloween will be a night to remember!

Screen Shot 2014-10-03 at 6.35.09 PM

Take advantage of our sale!

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